Jotta Turns One!

By Claudia Claudia
Published 16.09.2010 Edited 17.07.2024

Jotta Online Backup turns one today, and in the year since we launched the site, a lot has happened.

We started out with a windows only client that made backups easy and automatic.

In May this year we released version 1.5 of our client software for Mac OS X. The software was rewritten from the ground up using the QT framework, giving us a platform independent code base.

We’ve also added some of the most requested features from our users. Like the exclude folders feature, and the option to include hidden files and folders. Perhaps the biggest one was adding support for backing up one NAS drive on your unlimited subscription.

We are happy to say that we now have users from 27 countries around the world, and that our user base is growing rapidly.

There is still plenty for us to do. We are working on solutions for mobile platforms, starting with iOS devices like iPhone, iPad and iPad Touch, and we are getting a lot of requests from small businesses that needs an affordable and easy to use backup service.

We have started our partner affiliate program and only yesterday launched our co-branded service with PC World Norway, called PC World Sikker lagring.

The whole idea is to make backup of documents, music, photos and videos as easy and painless as possible.

We’ve only just begun!

(Originally posted Sept. 16th 2010)